To even a casual outside observer it would appear that the latest fad to sweep through the Christian church centers around Leadership. One may argue that this insatiable lust for leadership principles borders on idoltry. Here's just a sampling of this year's "Christian" Leadership conferences. Ironically, the "leadership model" taught at these conferences is not the servant leadership that Jesus modeled and taught (John 13:1-11). Instead, these conferences teach the exact same leadership model used by Fortune 500 Corporate CEOs and businesses. This Wall street business model is a top down, vision casting, innovation requiring, absolute loyalty insisting, accountability dodging, and obedience demanding leadership model. This is also the leadership model used by corrupt kings, Popes, Caesars and narcissistic empire builders. Hmmmm.
Too bad the pastors who attend and put on these conferences don't focus as much energy on rightly handling God'd word and preaching and proclaiming Christ-Centered and Cross-Focused sound doctrine. In fact, many of them are experts in leadership and utter neophytes and nincompoops when it comes to properly teaching the scriptures.