We receive a lot of email from people who say that we're judging and that the Bible teaches that we should not judge.
Ironically, the people who tell us not to judge are actually guilty of judging us. But, apparently that type of judging is okay but the kind of judging we do isn't Biblical...or so the story goes.
What we really need is a good solid resource that tackles the 'judging' passages in the Bible and what they really teach. We think we've found that in the teaching ministry of Pastor Bob DeWaay. Therefore, we are providing you with a link to two radio programs by DeWaay on the subject of judging.
We agree with DeWaay's exposition of the scriptures on this matter. So, if you're one of those people who are wondering what the Bible really teaches on this subject then we cannot encourage you strongly enough to listen to these programs.
Here is the link. Enjoy.