What you see in today's Christianity, you just can't make up.
Oh wait. "Prophetess" Kathi Pelton who gets her prophecies onto the Elijah List did. (This is the graphic she added to her prophecy.)

A vision and word:
This morning as I waited on the Lord I saw a vision of a seed being planted that overnight turned into a beanstalk that reached to Heaven. It was like a scene out of the fairy tale, “Jack and the Beanstalk”.
As seeds were planted, God’s people were ascending to the Throne Room in Heaven and seated next to the Father and the Son. As they sat down they were instructed to watch what God was going to do for them. Then I saw the giant that had opposed these individuals taken down by the power of the Lord. God overcame this giant, removed his authority (his crown) and restored joy, resource and hope to His people.
Just as in the fairy tale story, Jack traded things that were essential to his family’s survival for a single seed. Many of you have been taking what is essential for your livelihood and the Lord has been asking you to give it away. He has exchanged your gift for a seed to sow into the soil of His Kingdom. It is not a magic seed but a miracle seed.
I was immediately reminded of the story of the widow and her son in 1 Kings 17where she takes the last of her provision and obeys God by using it to feed the prophet Elijah. This act of obedience not only released her ongoing provision but it also brought miraculous healing to her son. You may be looking at the end of all of your provision and the Lord is asking you to give it away but you are to know that your obedience will release your miracle.
God is looking for those who will hear and obey. This is part of your training and it is part of your partnership with Heaven to receive your breakthrough for the sake of His glory. We may not have a goose that lays daily golden eggs like in the fairy tale but we have something much better…we have a God who keeps His promises and when we obey His voice breakthrough is released.
Kingdom principles rarely make sense to our human understanding but we are to come like a child (like Jack) and believe that God is able to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves as we yield to His ways and obey His voice.
Kathi Pelton
From - http://oceansinthedesert.com/2015/06/24/your-seed-is-about-to-be-a-beanstalk-that-reaches-heaven-and-brings-your-miracle/, Posted on June 24, 2015.